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Hi there! I'm Francis Holman, but many people know me as Draaloff. I enjoy making videos, and hopefully I'll be making some professional ones one day.


The first planned movies I ever made were with my old friend Jake Ellaway. We both started boarding school in year 6. We were both 10, and I had had my birthday in the previous month. Our little monster movies were not very good, but they helped us learn a few things about filming.


Years later when I was in year 10 I made some crazy videos with my friend Gary. They are the Dr. Draaloff videos. If Gary hadn't got my camera part way through Travelling To The 6th Dimension, the Dr. Draaloff videos would not exist today.


Later in year 10 when Gary had left the school, as he was a year above me, I gathered some friends and started making the Draaloff's Companions videos. It was a huge project with 13 actors, including myself. The videos can be hard to fully understand as you must listen to every word said. There are also hidded meanings, so you may have to watch the videos a few times to fully understand them.


I have made some smaller videos during this time. Some of these are What If We Could Drive, John's Stories and the Portal Video. Gary also came to my house and we made Dr. Draaloff The Movie.


I'm going to be on holiday for 2 and a half weeks in Germany, hopefully I will return with lots of videos!


- Draaloff

July 31st 2014

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